Thursday, April 12, 2007

organic site

They have info & coupons for organic products, and links for kids.

Also check out MOO~ Mothers Of Organic

Have a naturally wonderful day! haha

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Variety of things

go to for Fuzzi Bunz and other cloth diapers. They save money for you in the long run, save trees and keep tons of waste from polluting our landfills! Plus, they keep harsh chemicals off of your baby! Go reusable!

For the best in cloth diapers and baby accessories, visit

Well, even if we are not pregnant yet, the great organic baby registry search continues! I will keep posting sites here as I am searching thru them. Kelly's Closet has a very large selection I must say! She even had a wide variety of organic cloth diapers. So many that I started a gift registry there. I am still waiting for my period to come back. If I count the m/c as a regular monthly episode- which my body seems to be doing, then I expect af to visit in 3-5 days. Then we will be able to try again. I can't help but getting hopeful everytime, even tho I try to ignore the whole situation now. I am no where near as excited/stressed as I used to get in the first few cycles! It has become much more routine.
There are a few bumps coming up w/the next cycle. First if K goes on her new job, she won't be here to give me my shots! EEEK! I rreeaallyy don't think I can give them to myself. It doesn't bother me if someone else does it, I just can't look at the needle actually going in me, esp the giant PIO shots! I'd puke! So I need to start lining up volunteers and pick a time of day that I would be able to see these people most often. If I go with 5:30-6:30 timeframe, my sister and aunt will be getting home from work by then I can meet them at their house. My friend I work with said she has no problem doing it and she has some medical background from the military. But if I have her do it at work and she isn't there I could be screwed. Maybe the school nurse could fill in, but she isn't at our school all the time. I would hate to have to freak out, panic and run out of work to closest hospital to find someone to give me my shot, LOL. If her or I were to get a new job w/in the next 4 months, I would again be screwed. I can't go in to my new gov't job asking all my co-workers who could give me a shot in the butt ev day at 2pm. I'll have to do later time even tho it will mean I have to drive to someones house everyday at 5:30 w/all my supplies, sometimes 20-30 minutes away. Oh well, what can I do? <>
My other problem is that I have 2 vials at dr's office but they are 2 diff donors!! My other vial is still in Quarintine at the sperm bank and last minute we decided to just use one last time, so now we ended up w/2 diff donors. This is a problem because I REALLY want to use 2 vials. I have never been comfortable using only 1, and don't want to stress over the timing that much. It worked last time (sortof) but I think just by chance and looking at my temps (BBT chart), I had already ovulated by the time we did IUI. I had HCG sun at 8pm, then Mon morning my temp had a dip and at 9 and 10 am I had ovary cramps (sharp pains for a short time). On Tues morning my temp started going up (but not over coverline yet), I had cervical mucus(cm) and my iui at 9am. I had two more times of the O cramps, one before and one after iui on Tues. On Wed morning my temp had gone up to a post O temp and I started my PIO shots that night.
I had written down a total of 4 times that I had noticed the O pains, and I had 4-5 good sized, ready to pop follies at my ultrasound on Saturday. This time I would like to do one a little sooner to back up the iui at 36 hrs past the trigger shot, but if we do it would have to be with the vial that is a different donor! If I get pregnant that way, we won't know who the donor is until the baby is born and we can tell by their looks or blood type! Since the meds give me multiple follies, there is the chance that we could get twins that were each from a diff donor? Would that be weird for the kids? Would they have to explain how they could be twins and not have same donor? Would ppl not believe them when they said they were twins?
I am also still trying to find a new job. I have applied for a local gov't job which would pay more & have better benifits, but I really dream of working from home! Our local community college just started a new medical transcriptionist program for about $1,350. I would love to start my own biz making specialty giftbaskets! I have great ideas for that, but don't really know how to proceed. The other things I can make at home are gift cards, scrapbooks, or photography. What to do, what to do, hhhmmm. I dunno. I need to start moving on these things though! aahh!

Monday, April 9, 2007

new job for K

{pic is Oregon coast 2006}
I had some kinda good news today. K had a call for a new construction job that is working 7/12's. Whew! That makes a long work week for her, but a nice chunk of overtime $ for us! She does have to stay out of town too, since it is about 3 hours away, but even with the cost of living ther, she will still be making good $ and banking a load of hours towards her work hours/health ins hrs. The paycheck means we can pay off the dr bills we both have, the hospital bills from my visit a couple weeks ago, and fix both our cars, yippee! It will mean she won't be here for the next insem probably, but it won't really change anything since she avoids being anywhere near the action anyway! LOL she thinks using the swimmers is pretty gross and loves it when I go to dr instead of doin' it myself at home. She almost faints at the sight of blood too so I don't take it personally! The job is prob 4-6 months long, so if next insem happens in 2-3 weeks and it does work, she will miss the begining months of pregnancy on a day to day basis. I will be able to go visit her once in a while, and she will get a couple days off once in a while, so we will not be completely apart. I told her if it happens, I will mail her pics of my belly every week. :)
I wanted to say thank you with a great big hug to all my friends who posted such supportive comments here after my last posts. I don't know what I would do w/out my NW friends! I am still trying to keep a positive look on things, but if k's new job works out, it will take some stress off of our $ situation. I think that will help a little. Thanks again guys, your the best! <3