I don't know what is in the air around here, but everyone I know practically has car problems! First K's car has several problems that we know need fixed but were putting off as long as possible so she drove mine (out of town) and I drove hers (in town) to be safe. Then my car starting making horrible noise and went in for exam- transmission problem = loads of $. My sister gave me a ride to work and when she got back in van to go to her work- her tire was flat. My parents went camping that weekend thinking all cars were being takin care of, but their car decided not to start without being jumped at the campsite! Arg So sis gave their NEW truck a jump each time, but second time they needed a jump, her van wouldn't start either! So they both had to get a jump from someone else at campsite to come home. Meanwhile my car which will be in shop for next 5 years, is being worked on by my uncle, so asked him for a loaner. His kids cars are also broken down and so the boys are carpooling to college even though there is a 4 hour time difference in their classes. No loaner car available from him! My co-worker gave me a ride home yesterday in her new car which just got out of shop because she was having problems with it running too. But now the shop got a loaner back for me to drive today, yay!
I really hope it doesn't breakdown.
I really wished I lived in walking distance to my job and stores!
Or I could buy a golf cart.....