Friday, June 22, 2007

Scrapbooking this site is great! They have examples for a variety of different Stampin Up! brand stamp sets. They also have techniques pages where they will walk you through techniques step by step. For inspiration go here, especially if you use Stampin Up! products.
I haven't taken pics yet of any cards/scrapbook pages, but I plan to soon. Does anyone else scrap?
My pic is copyright 2007, taken at the Chicago Blues Festival, June '07.

ultrasound update ~ Monday June 25 th

So I had my u/s & bloodwork this morning. I have one follie that is 19x19 and one 17x18, both on my left. There are smaller ones too but they are too small to do anything. My right side just had a bunch of tiny ones, also no good. My estrodial was 296 which also shows one maybe two mature follies. Blah. Don't get me wrong, two is better than 1 or none, but when I am on injectibles ( even a low dose) I would really expect more. My other two injectibles cycles I had about 5 each time. So I was not impressed w/2.
The nurse wants me to do the trigger shot tonight and iui Wed morning 35-36 hours after trigger shot. I am worried that that is a little rushed, but am going along with it. My follies are not that big, but they will continue to grow until they release. Hopefully they have enough time to get ready before the big show! Fingers crossed that they are ready in time! I have been having pretty bad O pains for the last few days as they grow. My alternate fear is that they will release on their own before the trigger & iui. My temp dropped this morning & I hope it doesn't signal the start of a pre-O dip. If I do O on my own, the iui would be too late. This is why you should have more than one vial. If I had 2 vials, I would use one at 12 and one at 36 hour past trigger shot. ((((sigh)))) The nurse said not to use another gonal f shot tonight, just the HCG. I have been taking gonal f at 75 iu each day for 3 days and the clomid before that.
If anyone has an opinion and can look at my chart, feel free to let me know what you think! Thanks for all your comments, everyone! :)