(pic is in FL on vaca, feeding the seagulls)
When I went in & had my first IUI, the nurse told me that my insurance co had called and approved my HSG. Thanks. A bit late now. Sigh...SO if this cycle is a bfn, I can someday have a HSG done. If I have another tubal I will be angry w/them. The dr said I have about a 20% chance of having a second one. One increases your chances of having another. That's crappy, I must say. The HSG would tell us exactly how much damage (if any) that I have, & at the same time clear my tubes out making it less likely to happen again.
So here is some TMI for you...my boobs started having some tingling and zippy feelings today- BEFORE I had my first PIO shot tonight. Yippee doodles! That tells us that I have some progesterone flowin'. My cervix had also closed and lowered this morning. So far all signs are good that we had fair timing. :) We did have a little PIO mishap though. When K gave me my shot I bled. Alot. Like gushed out and all over the bed. I looked back & thought "She hit a vein, I'm gonna bleed to death!", but it stopped right away. Whew. It was scary though & I am worried that she did do my shot into a vein which would mess up the progesterone absorbtion time or amount or something. Please no! Has anyone else ever done that? Is it alright? Will it hurt anythng?
I am on antibiotics & antivirals, :( but dr & pharmacy both say they are safe for pregnancy so we'll see. They are only for a week and low doses. My jaw keeps swelling up and my dr doesn't know why and doesn't seem to believe in testing. She likes to throw some drugs on it & see if it gets better. She said it might be a salivatory duct stone. WTCrap? Like kidney stones but in my saliva duct. Let me explain here, that I get sick and it is usually something weird enough to be annoying or strange or hard to diagnose, but not to the point of being life threatening. (normally) ACK! I hate that! I would love to be sick w/something average and easily curable. LOL Hopefully, none of this will affect any possible implantation or baby, and my face will stop swelling up like a waterballoon. Embarrassing! I can only guess what the people at work think!
Hope you are all having a less messy and gross day! LOL