The Laurie Berkner Band is one of my favorite bands that make music for kids, I have heard. We have music EVERYDAY at school so we hear songs over & over. The Wiggles, Greg and Steve and even Raffi, all get old after a while. Some songs of theirs will be funny of course, but Laurie Berkner has songs that are educational, but also fun and rockin'! Picture loud air guitar playing while we dance to "I Know a Chicken" and little rock star faces- eyes squeezed shut, nose wrinkled, fingers movin fast! The song starts slow, but picks up speed till she is rockin out. The song teaches pace as we shake the egg slow, fast or in a circle. My niece (3yrs), myself (30 yrs), my sis(24 yrs) and my mom(50yrs) like to rock out to Berkner's CD's as we drive places. We all sing at the top of our lungs and dance in our seats enuf to shake the car. If you like rock music, try these cd's.
If you want educational cd's look at Dr Jean's CD's. They are very educational for schoolrooms, or home, and many of her songs are funny too. If you like the "Chicken Dance" that everyone plays at weddings...try her Toody Ta song. The whole class dances to directions...feet apart, knees together, tongue out, bottoms up, thumbs up, spin in a circle, eyes shut, a toody ta toody ta toody ta ta. LOL I think it should be the new song for weddings.
Alphabob 2 has a few good songs, like the pirate song- pirate keeps getting interrupted til he quits, and the cowboy song which gets the kids swinging a laso and riding a pony and sounds like you could hear it at any country bar. It sounds like a country line dance song, but funny to see them laso-ing. The rest of the cd is hip hop style music, some ok but some seems like a stretch. They needed more songs to fill cd and so eeehh, <<
I have added links for their sites on the side of screen.
I'll post more later on this topic. Have a rockin' day!