Sunday, September 30, 2007

Check out ebay! Check out my items for sale! Some are ending in a couple hours, and I am trying to post more later tonight.

I forgot---some of you were wondering the name of magic sexy allergy pills & I think I forgot to tell ya! It was allegra D, that had me all zooming for a while. After about 5 days it also made me very sick! ugh, like dizzy gonna puke sick so I had to stop taking them. :( If you are looking for "de sexy feeling" maybe they would work that way for you too? Who knows! Maybe it wasn't even the pills & I was just ovulating for two and a half weeks straight. ?!

Looked for places to live yesterday and met the creepiest apartment manager who said "oh good" when I told him it would just be myself and 2 children living there. He said "no husband?" and I said "no" & he said "oh good"! WTCrap? Why is that good? Weirdo. The whole apt was sad and smelled like smoke and cat pee anyway so def NOT renting there. {{{yuck}}} Is creepy something they look for in an apartment manager?

Yes, K is not moving with me, but we are not over just have to live more apart for a little bit. She will stay in house and get it ready to sell, while I live in apt/house and get the new place ready for the kids. T


Unknown said...

Good luck with your ebay sells! I am trying to get rid of stuff myself to create more room for baby/babies :)

battynurse said...

That guy does sound creepy. Apartment hunting sucks so bad. Hope you find something suitable soon.

twondra said...

This is twondra from the NW board....I added you to my blog list and I hope that's okay! I just wanted to wish you the best of luck with the adoption journey and with all the ebay sales!! I can't wait for the scrapbook pages...sounds cool!!! :)

TK said...

Twondra, def fine, when I get a sec I'll add you here too. :)