Sunday, March 11, 2007

I still don't believe it, but last weekend we had our first pos home pregnancy tests (hpt's). Yay! Our first blood test was pos with hcg level of 12 and progesterone level of 12.5. Two days later we did tests again and hcg was 43, prog 22.2. Tomorrow I go in for third round and hopefully the numbers are still going up, up, up! It has been 5 days since the last blood test so the numbers should be a bunch higher by now. Fingers crossed! If they are lowering, it will mean that the baby didn't stick in there and we will lose the pregnancy. We have been trying to get pregnant for years, so we are more than ready for this time to be the one and more than a tad nervous about something going wrong. We are both afraid to believe that this could be it, and are scared to trust that it will work out well. We are both so nervous, it has seemed like foorreeevveerrr since the last blood test. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be able to post some more happy news. Fx

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