Saturday, April 21, 2007

Yay, Aunt Flow is here- we are movin' now!

Yippee! AF finally showed up yesterday! I had a baseline ultrasound and estradial blood test and nurse says everything looked good on both! :) I had several small eggs~like 6 mm and that is normal. I scheduled my HSG test for next Wed morning and we just need that to show that there was no severe damage to my tube. In the meantime I will start the clomid at 100mg CD 3-7 again, then do Gonal F starting the day after last dose of clomid. I will have my u/s & estradial, redone on Mon the 30th and that will tell us how many eggs I have and how big they are. Fingers X'd! That will be CD 11, so if all goes the same as last month, I will probably get my HCG shot that day too. Then it will be time to insem. My sister went with me to u/s this morning and she is going in to work late Wed so she can take me to HSG test.
I can't post a pic today. It either puts the image on there 20 times or leaves huge gaps of space. Blah! Maybe it will be fixed by next post.
I wanted to say thanks for all the wonderful comments from my friends. You guys are great! ((huge hugs))
Here are two baby vidoes that crack me up! I saw the quads when they were on AFV & thought they were too funny then.


SJayneI said...

Well, hello! Glad to see you in blogland. I left NW a long time ago; right before I stopped trying and we switched to Liz. Anyway, sorry to hear about your tubal and the sickness of your friends.

I have added you to my blog so that we can keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

Hooray!! I'm so excited that you'll be trying again soon! I wish you the very best of luck!!