Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I can't help but stress- I think it's genetic

pic is detail of a stained glass panel in Chicago at Navy Pier stain glass exhibit.

I am amazed that even after I have done this for what seems like a million tries, I still get all worked up. I should know better by now than to have only one vial, but I let the dr & nurse talk me into using just one & now I get to freak out. We are doing iui at 35 hours past trigger shot, but I felt O this morning, have started climbing out of pre-o dip on temps, have less ovary aches today, and show cervix/secondary fertility signs. So I am panicking that Wed morning wil be too late, my eggs will be old. I am kicking myself for not having a second vial so I could do one at home this afternoon and cover a bigger fertile window. AAAAHHHH! K says I have to relax right now, or I am going to screw it up from being stressed out. Fine! I'm going to mow the lawn. humph


battynurse said...

hang in there, hope it goes well.

Supermom said...

It is always so easy to second guess yourself. I am hoping that what you are felling is just your body getting ready to O. Obviously you will know tomorrow based on your temps. I realy hope that tomorrows IUI goes well and does the trick. Is it in the morning or the afternoon? If it's in the afternoon, can you move it to earlier?

Unknown said...

Try not to stress.... I know from experience it is easier said then done! I hope your one vial gets the job done as you know it is very possible!!!!

kittenroar5 said...

That so sucks. I'm so sorry. Trust the docs though. I know someone who is 12 weeks after hcg and one iui 35 hours post. Let's hope this is it!