Sunday, July 15, 2007


*Before you get excited about the pic, it is old- from my m/c this spring. I have it up again to show why I took both opk & hpt even though you are generally not supposed to use an opk as an hpt. In the pic is the digital hpt shows pos, and at bottom of the pic is an opk which has clear two lines, just not equal in color. The middle test is my real hpt Target brand, which only has the faintest of lines making a cross, you can't even really see the vertical line in the pic it is so light. I was out of hpt's so took the opk. When that showed the clear 2 lines I got the digitals. SO in my mind, at least for me, opk's looked like a more sensitive hpt than the real hpt's. Which is why I have tried both this month, thinking it might just be really early. But even this morning, hpt= -. I don't normally have a continual + opk's through out my cycle either.
Thanks for checkin in on me guys! :) I am ok, feels like af should be coming soon this morning,-some little cramps- but temps still up & my big progesterone veins came back yesterday. Michelle, if you click on the rainbow on the right side of screen, it will take you to my FF chart. ( the rainbow is partially cut off cuz I don't know how to make things fit properly on that side screen! sorry) I don't think I am pregnant really, just more worried that something is messed up medically/hormonally/? My temps have never stayed up before, unless pregnant of course. I also have the positive opk's, but neg hpt's. I am cd 31 today, 18 dpiui. I had a neg beta done on 14 dpiui too. I know positive hpt/opk's all the time, or at the wrong times can be a sign of something medically wrong, some cancers for example. I just don't know what is going on at all.


battynurse said...

That is really strange. I had one month where I had positive opks for 6 days, then the next month I started to get a second line on opk then it completely went away for like 4 days. That month I had used Clomid and it was way weird. If you still haven't had AF arrive and you are still concerned, I would say go to the doctor if for no other reason than to relieve your mind.

kittenroar5 said...

I hate this stuff. Sometimes I wonder why I do it... and then I remember. Hope it sorts itself out and you take care of yourself!