Thanks for all the recent comments girls! :) That pic is one of my favs too, friendly little dragonfly didn't seem to mind getting his pic taken at all, LOL! Taco John's is like Taco Bell, they have salty tator tots-potato oles? and oniony bean/cheese burritos, which I am sure are both horrible for me. A cherry limeaid sounds great! Our stove is filling up fast, I hope I don't spill anything with all these pans! ;) FX! ((hugs))
The great job hunt is still on. I hope I find one with IVF benefits and an adoption credit! Hot diggity! I didn't get anymore resumes in since I have been horribly sick the whole second half of this week. OMGoodness. I thought it was the flu at first, but it seems to be a sinus infection now, so that is my final guess. Here is breakdown of the fun- fever 101.87, body aches, bone ache, headache, even skin ache, yuck. Morphing into splitting headache and ending in stuffy nose, clicking ears, and the whole time I had general tiredness and fatigue. I slept 11 hours the first two nights and rested the next night, thought I was ok today so went shopping with Mom and sis and had to take nap as soon as I was done. To be fair, shopping with them is "power" shopping and is always tiring, though not to the point of a nap. Yesterday I was afraid the headache would actually kill me, but finally some migraine medicine kicked in & I didn't have to cry anymore. Fun huh? I am keeping sinus and migraine pills handy for a while. So I haven't finished getting my other resume kit all together yet. You forgive me though right? ;)
I think I erased something on the computer I shouldn't have because I have my new picture cd here, but can't get it uploaded onto computer to share here! I will work on it for next time though. arg I am also taking some pics of some of my cards and journals so other scrapbookers, start getting your pics ready too!
So I have been exploring adoption options and a few things that I need to have for work, are also needed for adoption. Mandatory child abuse reporter, and CPR/1st Aid certificates. I am getting my cpr renewal this week and will sign up for next child abuse renewal too, then all of those will be current- check mark. I am calling local college Monday to see when next foster care parent training is being held, so might be signing up-second check mark. I could use most of these classes for work or adoption so very handy. I contacted a lawyer finding service and left my questions about the adoption so someone can call me back w/advice and their card for when/if the time comes that I need their services- so lawyer check mark.
I have been doing some research on adoption funding options. ugh. It seems to be recommended to try and fund raise on your own as well as use loans, grants, own money and whatever. So I have been thinking of how to do some kind of fundraiser. I am considering trying to sell ribbons and bracelets for the adoption. Fertility bracelets, adoption ribbons and so on. There are some bigger items I could sell also. I could advertise here, but does anyone know of a nice place to get my own website so I could sell items to raise some adoption funds? Preferably a free website, but at least one that is not expensive! I would need to be able to show pics and would love to have a way for ppl to pay online through the site (shopping cart?). Does anyone know where to get my own website? Any other advice or ideas on this plan? Better ways to raise funds?
No word from our friends friend (ie young pregnant girl w/possible baby). Also no af yet for me and no idea when we can do another iui yet. Basically we are just in "taking care of the boring details, but nothing exciting happening" limbo. :0 Aaahhh, I hate this kind of limbo! I like to see big steps, not baby preparation steps.
Baby sparkles to all my friends here in blogger world & at NW! Hope things are moving faster for all of you. :) Loves, TK
I sang the title!
I've been looking into adoption too, so I understand the urge. I hope we all find what we need!
I did a google search on free website hosting. There is quite a bit out there. I know that you can set up an account on paypal and put a paypal button on your site. Those are just a few options. Good Luck!
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