Sunday, September 2, 2007

fun side affects of allergy meds

Allergy pills seem to be sex pills also. Maybe it is just temporary, we'll have to see! Dry mouth, low appetite, and increased sex drive. Interesting side affects-non of which I will complain about, granted dry mouth isn't fun, but {{{{shrug}}}} I'll drink more fluids.


B said...

Exactly what type of allergy pills are we talking about here? ::::pencil ready to take notes::::: : )

Michelle said...

Sorry I been MIA for a while. Nick had some time off and today its back to work so Im going to try to get caught up this morning and tomorrow.

kittenroar5 said...

I need to counter balance the BCPs. Give me your allergy meds now. :)

S&C said...

Ya what allergy meds... You must share!