Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wish me luck!

I am meeting with the adoption specialist and the kids' caseworker tomorrow afternoon! Wish me luck that everything goes well and I get good news-ie that it looks ok, and they think I will be able to adopt the kids. Something had better go right soon since so far things just keep falling to pieces, such as BOTH our cars. { @#$%^&()***@@ cars. } Seems like every week has something breaking down on them. arrgg.
I need to keep listing things on ebay, ( see previous post) and finish my app for state jobs. My CNA classes start Oct 10th and if my meeting goes well with DHS tomorrow then I will start the adoption/foster parent classes asap too. So far both of the Michelle and Kittenroar liked the LGBT or hetero sperm bank specific scrapbook pages so I will def start making some up for approval! Do you guys think I should just post all the handmade items on ebay also? I like the idea of a website of my own, but it seems like it might be easier to just do ebay listings. I am not that computer literate! LOL
{Good luck to everyone in the tww}

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think I missed the scrapbook thing! What was it?

Good luck with your appts!!! I am hoping it all goes well!