Saturday, June 30, 2007

Fertility Friend is depressing me

Well Fertility Friend is putting Ovulation at cd 12, which is sad since I had my iui the morning of cd 13. :( But on a positive side, that is how it was the month I had my tubal pregnancy too. So I know all hope is not lost, but I sure am still kicking myself for not having more sperm to spread around and cover that earlier time frame. pplllleeeaaahhh. Fudge sticks.
My sister said last night that they are really considering moving to W Virginia this fall. Which is horrible, because even if we moved too, it would be the opposite direction. I was hoping she would move to the west coast or near it at least. I have found out the hard way, that it is better to live near family (somewhat near). We wouldn't see my niece, and they would both be far away. I hope they don't go. I was hoping we could all move in the same area somewhere west, then we could drive over for the weekend or something at least, & if her or I was hurt or in labor or sick, the other could drive over- even if it took a good part of a day.
Hope everyone is doing well, & have a good weekend!

{Pic is at Navy Pier in Chicago, copyright June 2007- just as a technical note...all pics on this blog are copyrighted & should not be copied or used in any way except personal reading of this blog!}


battynurse said...

Fertility Friend drives me nuts too. With my crazy sleep schedule I never could get any sort of decent pattern to my temps and I finally gave up. Hang in there, I hope this works.

Princess Peach said...

no worries...fertility friend has been know to be wrong on several occasions. Good luck..

Unknown said...

I never paid much attention to fertility friend when I used it... so try to ignore it :) I hope this cycle is a success for you guys!!!

kittenroar5 said...

I don't use FF, so I can't help you there. But I'd trust your instincts over the computer!

Anonymous said...

FF didnt match my opk.