Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hello spermy, Nice to meet you Eggy

Thanks for you wonderful comments guys. You are all very reassuring and can always make me feel better!

To answer some questions/replies... yes this was Fed Ex shipping from Midwest to my house. Shipping to the Dr probably would have been better. On the other hand, this vial was better than any I have ever had count/motility wise! Nurse even called Dr F over to look at the microscope because she said it was the best frozen specimen she has seen in a long time. Almost every little spermy was swimming when I looked, so that is good. knock, knock...I don't want to jinx myself.

I did have the earliest iui time they would do- 8 am. My temp did not go up drastically yet, so I think I was panicking for no reason, sorry! That pain yesterday morning was the strongest still, but I am just not going to worry about it anymore since I can't do anything about it. All I can do now is cross my fingers and wait. :) Well, and make a mental note to always have 2 vials minimum!

The iui went better than I expected w/less pain and fewer problems searching for my cervix. It wasn't hiding today, so that made things a bit easier. So after planning on a break, we have this one shot thrown in by surprise. Sink or float time. I am now on day 0 of the tww again. FX and if anyone can throw some sticky baby dust, that would be great. I know the odds are not in my favor, I have 1 good tube, no progesterone, and a variety of problems w/my uterus...but there is always a chance and that has kept me going this long. But at some point I just have to be practical & accept that if this iui fails, I will be a mommy sooner if I move on to ivf or adoption. So for now I am visualizing the little swimmers shaking hands with the little eggy and introducing itself. Then I will spend the next 2 weeks making sure my uterus is as hospitable as possible! All embryos welcome here!
{ Pic is sis and niece in Chicago. }


battynurse said...

Good luck. Sticky baby dust to you.

kittenroar5 said...

Yay! for super spermies! I'm so glad your counts were good... I've been worrying over mine and hoping I made the right choice in moving to Midwest. Good luck with the TWW. I hope to join you there pretty quickly.