Monday, June 25, 2007

scaredy sperm

(Supermom, your superbaby is too cute!) My new post on this mornings u/s came up under Friday since it was a draft (I had saved the pic for later use). Now I know better.
I almost forgot to tell you the sperm hoopla. Our vial arrived today from Fed Ex. I got home & it wasn't here, checked website & it says delivered 1/3 hour ago to front door & left sitting. !! I called Fed Ex who said yes it is sitting at ##19--"oh wait it was dropped at the wrong address." ( My address is ##39- not 19.) WTH! AAAHHH! Panic set in.
I had visions of some little old lady calling the bomb squad when she opened the box to find the tank. Or having a heart attack when she started reading the sperm count paperwork. Or the neighborhood kids thinking it would be fun to play with it. Or...?
So then I hopped into my car, home phone still in hand, to try & find my box. There it was sitting on the front porch at ##19, all by it's self. Thank Heavens! So I look at the label & my address is correct and clear, but behind it in pen someone wrote the other address down and that is where he left it. I called fed ex back & told them how I felt about drivers who change the address on the label for no reason! Whew, I turned some hair white I'm sure.


Supermom said...

Wow, glad you got your spermies. I cold imagine what someone else would have thought to find that on their doorstep. Good luck! I hope this one works for you.

Michelle said...

Just wanted to stop in and say hello. I been MIA from the computer for a while, but Im back and catchin up on blogs now! Im so glad you are trying again this month.

kittenroar5 said...

Was this midwest? Ours is coming Friday, but straight to the doc's office. I'd have flipped by the way.